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Hope For Everyone
posted on Mar 17, 2021 As a kid I learned about the concept of hope from Star Wars - A New Hope , The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. In the Star Wars universe, hope for a better world brought constant, seemingly losing battles. Seemingly insignifican...
Read MoreJesus is my Healer
posted on Mar 3, 2021 Jesus is first and foremost, a healer to me and my family. Believing this statement was not an easy journey and at times, I have had my questions and unbelief. My mother passed away from cancer when I was 19 years old. Over the course of a...
Read MoreJesus is the Very Best Gift
posted on Feb 17, 2021 Do you have a favorite or memorable Christmas gift that you received as a kid? I remember hours of fun with a toy called "Showboat Theater." It had 4 scripts, backgrounds, and actor pieces so that you could put on the whole play of Heidi, Cindere...
Read MoreFaith Over Fear
posted on Feb 3, 2021 It was nineteen ninety-something and I was in the fourth grade. I was doing the all-important stare at the clock, willing the bell to ring so I could go to recess. Every minute felt like an hour. As I was impatiently waiting, I noticed my teach...
Read MoreThe Biography of Jesus
posted on Jan 20, 2021 Granite Creek's Mission Statement is "Relationship not Religion". It's simple, easy to remember, and to the point of what we do. It's also the hardest thing we do. Fostering personal relationships within a church, a family, or with friends is har...
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2020 Year-End Giving
posted on Dec 31, 2020 Casting Your Crown in 2020 Year-End Gift
At times it feels as if we are living the Revelation timeline. Whether or not this is the End of Days is irrelevant in light of our eternal destination. What is relevant now, however, is how w...
Read MoreConnection and Peace with God in Nature
posted on Dec 17, 2020 Being in nature is a wonderful reminder of how God wants to meet us in and through His creation. I know when I feel tired, stressed, overwhelmed, and heavy-hearted by the complexities of my life and this broken world I live in, I turn to nature...
Read MoreThe Law of Sanctuary
posted on Nov 18, 2020 "Sanctuary! Sanctuary! Sanctuary!", still rings in my head all these years after watching the 1939 black and white film version of The Hunchback of Notre-Dame when I was a kid . The "monster/hero" Quasimodo was invoking The Law of Sa...
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