Sermons from Granite Creek Community Church
Sep 21, 2014 |
Building Blocks of Spiritual Formation: LOVE
| Pastor Joshua KapchinskyBuilding Blocks of Spiritual Formation: LOVE
In beginning our new series, "The Building Blocks of Spiriual Formation," we jump into the first "fruit of the spirt," LOVE. What does God mean when he wants us to bear the fruit of love? It is quite different than what our society teaches and offers. It is better, bigger and deeper.
Sep 14, 2014 |
| Pastor Meko KapchinskyGo
Go. Jesus has commanded us to go out into the world and MAKE DISCIPLES. We are not to cloister up together as Christians and simply look at the dirt of the world in despair. Nor are we to just embrace every sin and call it okay. We are called to live our lives, making and growing relationships, being different, showing love without compromise, changing culture, and being the salt and light of the world. Go.
Aug 31, 2014 |
How to Thrive in Tension
| Pastor Joshua KapchinskyHow to Thrive in Tension
God will give us more than we can handle... Wrong! We often hear and are told this as a truth, but that is not what scripture says. God tells us that we will not be TEMPTED beyond what we can bear. But, He tells us that we will face trials while here on earth. God wants us to trust him and lean on Him in trials. In order for us to do this there must be TENSION.
Aug 17, 2014 |
Where Is God?
| Pastor Joshua KapchinskyWhere Is God?
Where is God? It is a question we all ask at some point. If you have once felt His closeness, but no longer feel Him neer, where has he gone? The honest answer is that He has not gone. You have. Whether something else has captivated our hearts, we are disobedient to His calling, are in sin, or any other great number of things, it is us who are moving away from God. He is still there. Once we admit that, figure out or ask Him what is in the way, we can begin moving back towards closeness with our saviour.
Aug 03, 2014 |
God's Masterpiece
| Pastor Joshua KapchinskyGod's Masterpiece
You are God's masterpiece. His workmanship. His Design. Too often, after years and years of listening to negative voices, including our own, we believe the lie that we are worthless. We think we aren't good enough or can't be good and please God. The opposite, however, is true. YOU ARE GOD'S MASTERPIECE.
Jul 20, 2014 |
Peter Pan: Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust
| Pastor Joshua KapchinskyPeter Pan: Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust
Sometimes we think if we just sprinkle "pixie dust," or live off of spiritual "highs" we will be okay. But you won't. You are actually living in "Peter Pan Syndrom" and running from what God is asking you to focus on in order for you to grow spiritually. Our love towards the Father should be that of a child, with no strings attached, just as Jesus tought. Paul teaches from this truth but explains that we must not reason like a child, but an adult. Don't be a child in your faith and run from the things God is wanting you to mature in. LOVE the Father like a child, but THINK like a mature adult in your faith.